(I need to find the photo that should be here)
Today I wrote from this cafe by Dolores Park. Lovely Mocha, luke warm so I drank it up in about 90 seconds... sadly too fast.. Soya Mocha $3.75
(I need to find the photo that should be here)
And I found free books outside this bookshop on Valencia St.
I am in San Francisco and I just haven't fully registered yet! I reached central San Francisco, specifically: The Mission District just 21 hours ago. And right this moment I feel SO at home. I could be ready to throw down all of my arguments against living in America and make my nest in this natural disaster prone zone aka Earthquake Central (for which, when it does happen, most will be poorly prepared)... One can think a lot about America and the implications of it's politics; and one may very likely hold certain opinions about this, but all of this pre-reading and thinking is dissipated and changes shape as soon as one steps foot on the streets of San Francisco. Shit! I think I am in love.
This is different to my first trip here.
That time was burdened with uncertainty and such exhaustions (long stories and this is not the time or place for them). I liked it, a lot even, but the twinkle and the sparks of San Francisco didn't grip me as close to the heart as they have in just the first hours of being here this time.
There is a certain quality to the air here, that I can't yet put my finger on... A little Paris, a lot Berlin, a sprinkle Europe and a dash Mexico and Spanish language, evidence of Japan...
And just before I saw, for the first time in my life, a building site where the multi storey building appears constructed entirely of wood! Really? 100% wood in San Francisco? It stopped me in my tracks and I couldn't quite believe it.
I also passed a bookshop on Valencia St., where I found a box of free books outside. I didn't want to, but I could not turn down a free book! I almost took The Iliad by Homer, but thought that one book would be enough.. I kept the one on Classical Mythology. Then I spotted a book with the title "For the Relief of Unbearable Urges". That title just sounded too good and it also happened to be a hardcover book, with missing dust jacked but the perfect purple and brown binding! And deckled paper edges that just asked for me to play with them.
Just as I dismissed the writing in "For the Relief of Unbearable Urges" and was considering to cut a hollow into the book, to turn it into a secret holding box for precious paper on which to draw my daily drawings, just then I glanced at page 37 and spot a mention of a Russian Secondhand Bear... I now believe I could be wrong about this book... "Russian Secondhand Bear" could be a title for something.. perhaps a poem, a text, a project, a drawing, a painting. I think this should be my drawing for tomorrow's drawing of the day :"Russian Secondhand Bear as mentioned on page 37"